Wednesday, 28 May 2014

SSM sustainable soil management at cereals 2014

Please come and visit the SSM plots on the Glenside stand at cereals 2014 Duxford.

Demonstrating how we can create sustainable crop production by employing proven techniques of understanding and balancing the soils chemical, physical and biological properties.

"Soils biological excellences can only be achieved by creating a viable environment for biology to exist and thrive within." KJA

Friday, 23 May 2014

Soil structure

The wet weather is certainly highlighting the soils which have poor drainage.  Sometimes very soft and whilst walking we are sinking to cultivation depth. It is so important for maize to get the seedbed right.

Friday, 9 May 2014

pH related poor growth in spring barley

Taken from areas of the field were poor growth us observed. pH 6 and below. Recently limed but the agricultural lime is either in the wrong place after cultivations or the lime is yet to neutralise the acidity. 
The result us poor root functioning and subsequent nutrient availability.
Requires a combination of fast acting lime and root stimulants including trace elements.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Black grass on heavy soils 2

The challenge of blackgrass

Always a problem, protracted germination and resistance.
After such a wet autumn, we can see the new germination of black grass from the cracks in the soil. This heavy clay soil is dominated by magnesium, making it near impossible to tackle the continuous onslaught of problem weeds.
SSM soil sampling highlights the extent of the problem and formulates the actions required to get the best performance from residual herbicides by creating seedbed agrigation.
We may not change the clay type, but we can alter the chemical, physical and biological balance, so creating the most optimum environment for roots and soil life to thrive.